Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The decisions & processing...

Where do I even begin?! A couple of months ago this all started as something so unreal to me but now these unreal thoughts could be changing into my new reality.  After having a phone interview in march I was skeptical to this whole teaching overseas thing.  The main reason being it was a two year thing. I thought one year I can do anything for but that second year would be a long time and far from home and I felt I would be missing so much. After the phone interview I was told the location of the in person interviews was likely to be in New York, San Fran, Denver or Chicago.  After hearing those things I thought maybe I need to really think this over I want to invest the money to fly somewhere for a weekend when I am not even sure if I would be able to go for two years. So my mind was tossing and turning but I decided I was not going to think about it until I heard where the in person interviews would be..well then go figure..I get lucky enough that my in person interview was scheduled to be in Charlotte (literally a mile from my apartment).  So i decided to take the interview and see what happened.  Meeting different teachers and then interviewing with a man from Australia and then another from the UAE was an experience I could never get back.  The interview went well and I was told I would be hearing things within a couple of days but that they would like to move forward with the hiring process!  I could not believe it!  But after long conversations with my parents, friends, and co-workers I decided to really pursue trying to get a position in a private school.  The advantages to the private school were I know the school, where the school would be located, and the school community would only be responsible for the teachers at the school rather than being 1 of the 1000's of teachers that teach in the public schools.  So after talking with my rep I was offered an interview with a private school in Abu Dhabi.  The first round of the interview was scheduled for a Sunday morning at 7am NC  time...I was up and ready sitting on Skype just waiting for the phone call that never came through...stressed to the max I emailed my rep and explained I never received a call.  The next day when I got to work I had an email from the principal telling me she wasn't able to make the interview due to internet issues and not receiving the confirmation from my rep in time and we were able to reschedule.  We rescheduled for a couple days from then.  I again had my interview at 7am (seeing its an 8 hour time difference it is 3pm their time).  The interview went well and we were able to have great conversations about teaching and I was able to learn so much about their school.  At the end of the interview I was offered a 5th grade teaching position (how lucky is that I can continue with a curriculum I know!).  I was so excited to hear I was being offered a position and would know I would be in Abu Dhabi.  The principal told me that she would have HR get in touch with me for the contract and details the next week since their weekend was beginning.  After that another waiting game began to receive the contracts and be able to look through the details of it all and make sure it was something I was comfortable doing for the next 2 years.  At this point this is where I am...going back and forth with emails with the help from my parents we are in the processing of making sure this is a good fit and I will be safe and understand my job responsibilities.  More to come when the discussion comes...